Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Picture Problems

I have a problem with posting pictures at the moment- and with getting up in time to post before I go to work. The picture problem exists because Elaine has got our camera up in Sunderland with her. The getting up thing is related to laziness.

Here are some historic pictures instead of ones of my Superfoods cereal- which I am reaching the end of thankfully. I have got a cereal which I have not posted about before to come next!! Now there's a hook line...

Elaine, Ben and Tim.

Tim at a bit less than 1 year old

And again!

Katie at a few days old.


Anonymous said...

I also have a problem posting pictures at the moment; I seem to have forgotten how to do it.
You have a solution in view.
I'm not so sure about me.
I have written to Dorset cereals, recommending you blog.
Hope that you are looking after yourself

Anonymous said...

Where does E get all that energy from to do all these exciting and creative things? Cannot wait to hear more news from the Sunderland correspondant.

Anonymous said...

Hhave you changed your name to Blog? I thought you were Ben!