Monday, 6 August 2007

The Most Important Meal of The Day

It seems that there are 2 more blogs out there- I don't have time to put links to them at the moment, but one is Poetry spin- off from Big William's World, and the other is Gill's Elevenses- Mom's details of her mid morning 'nice cup of tea and a scone.'

Back to the serious stuff. 06:15 and today I collected my breakfast from the local airport- where there seemed to be some trouble going off. I also saw one of the Ferrari Formula One cars there.
In a break from the normal routine, I have gone for Shreddies (as you will see- a very big bowl,) which are pretty good for you and taste much better than I remember them doing.


Anonymous said...

I am also a big fan of shreddies, but unfortunately you can't get them in Denmark :-(

Anonymous said...

What are you doing posting a "Breakfast Blog" at 22.12?
Elevensies is not to be belittled, young man.
See my blog for further info.