Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Now For The Science Bit.

I came across an interesting article about cereals this morning- there is a link to it below. I have tried most of the ones that is reviews, and can tell you that without realising it, it also backs up the fact that the worse something tastes, the better it is for you.

I also found some other Internet goodies:

Mr. T is a peculiar person to advertise cereal, since he stated on many occasions (usually just before he was required to fly anywhere) "I ain't drinkin' no milk." Presumably he would not like cereals with milk on either?

This is a first for this blog at least, a cut out, fold up a bit and fly..... boomerang. It is supposed to be made from a cereal box. Please try it and let me know how you get on.

I am taking my car in today- it went in on Tuesday for an intermittent starting fault to be cured.... they did that.... it would not start at all yesterday. I hope that it will be repaired properly today.


Anonymous said...

So we'll all be eating soya cereal and linseed bran if we want to be healthy. Don't like the idea but glad to see you are a daily mail reader. My Renault, very,very old also had a intermittant starting fault, which was mended more than once by the RAC,who threatened to throw me out of their admirable organisation if the call outs continued. It was a bad connection somewhere. This now only occurs in very heavy rain or if the car is anywhere in the vicinity of george -I put it down to it's high tension. ajen

William said...

I thought Mr T drank milk, but aint getting on no plane!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the latest problems with the Renault. Should you wish to borrow a reliable car, the Proton is available anytime. The front window has been re-sealed, so you won't get wet if it rains.

Anonymous said...

The latest Renault news is that it is still not working- I have got a Nissan Micra at the moment. My street cred is gone (so I could drive the Proton!) and I am losing patience with the garage- they started to suggest that I needed to take the Micra car back tonight- and that I could not have it- or my own car back. They got about 2 words in before I said no.