Wednesday, 1 August 2007

In my dreams

I could not find the camera this morning (06:15) to take a photograph of my Dorset cereal from the blue box, plus some ultra soya and linseed bran. The reason for the mixture is that it was the last bit of blue Dorset- which needed something else to bulk it up.

I would rather have had the above, preferably after a long lie in, and just before a lazy day somewhere, but Tim and Katie don't seem to go for that sort of arrangement.

The mountain bike in the picture of Ben belongs to Roy- he rode a ladies bike all the way there and back!

Still no news- nor any bids for the Lyme Regis jug. Just remember that every action has an (at least) equal and opposite reaction.


Anonymous said...

It has brought new meaning to my day to get up and read what you had for breakfast, I wish that I could check to see if my children were as well nourished. Saw a similar jug, but with a blue bowl in my local charity shop, perhaps if you keep your jug, we could all colect such souvenirs of our travels and have a blue,where have you been ?, pottery meet at the next noble AGM. ajen

Anonymous said...

I confess it was me who pinched the camera - I had taken it to the Teddy Bear's picnic yesterday in the hope of getting some nice shots of T and KP. However T and I were far too busy feeding teddy his jam sandwiches, eating Mr Kipling French Fancies and pouring pretnd cups of lemonade for KP to be bothered with photography.

Tim has gone to Mandy's today wearing his t-shirt he designed himself. Now that would be worth a picture later, as the t-shirt is, suffice to say, original.


Anonymous said...

Teddy Bear picnics and design t-shirts, I am impressed.

Anonymous said...

What on earth is "ultra soy"?
I presume that "linsead bran" gives a nice oily finish to your entrails & improves the waterproofing
The photo is outrageous, an undertakers dream.
You should be ashamed of youself for displaying such temptation, Ben, let alone salivating in public.