Friday, 31 August 2007

Falling asleep

We (E, T and KP) have had a very exciting day today. So much so that KP fell asleep whilst eating her tea!

First we went to a Teddy Bears Picnic, which I helped to organise. It was all a bit crazy and Tim had a whale of a time. Then we went to a local farm which makes its own ice-cream. Tim had chocolate and I had sugar comb. Then we came home , and T's friend Yasmin came for tea and cake with her little brother Isaac. T and Y proceeded to trash the house, and covered Yasmin's mummy and I in plasters which were very painful to remove.

I have now sent Ben to the shop to buy wine as I feel I deserve a glass!.

Thursday, 30 August 2007

Missed Another One

I was up on time to write a post this morning, but just never got around to it. Too busy enjoying my Dorset cereal from the purple box. Elaine thinks that it's too fruity, but to me it tastes like fruit gums and porridge in a bowl- which is a winning combination

I have found another cereal box recycling idea- this one allows you to reuse the box as a gift box- possibly for chocolates or the like. Imagine the recipients delight when the inside of the gift box reminds them of their breakfast.

I have also found a fairly unlikely cereal box- which is probably a joke, but would be good to use on a reality TV show.

And I have discovered a rare glimpse into the future for William's kitchen. Perhaps he needs to consider a kitchen refurbishment blog? We could all post useful suggestions for any problems which may arise.
Oh and my car is spared the fate of this Montego estate (Vanden Plas by the look of it,) since it passed its MOT. They noticed that the drivers side CV joint gaiter retaining strap was broken, but I have replaced this already.

The work took about 5 minutes, but left my hands looking like the picture below. They took about 30 minutes to get clean. Anybody who has ever played with a CV joint will remember how messy Molybdenum grease can be.

No takers for my bespoke T-Shirt offer yet then?

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Back in the Old Routine

Now that Elaine, KP and Mr. T are back at home, I am settling into my old routine.... with the exception that I had a lie in today until 06:10 and did not have time to post before work.
I have never seen these in the shops- or eaten them ,but they look quite interesting!

And this light- up cereal bowl is cool as well- although it makes the cereals look evil.

Anyway, I had Dorset cereal from the brown box today- in a blue bowl.

Just like this one!

My car has got it's first ever MOT on Thursday, and so I have just treated it to new wiper blades, and replaced the broken headlight bulb. I will report on it's result in due course.
Tim has settled back in at the childminder's, and today made a (non working) paper watch. Elaine has spent the day pureeing all sorts of exciting mixtures for Katie, who has been swinging from the door frame in her bouncer.

Sunday, 26 August 2007

North- Eastern Delights

Elaine, Tim and KP are now back from Sunderland, and have had a brilliant time. They brought back some of my favourite North- East fodder.

Here we have (from left to right) a pink slice (strawberry shortbread affair,) Sasparilla tablets (like solid dandillion and burdock,) a peach melba (my personal favourite- filled with cream and a bit of peach,) and the big thing is a stottie cake (unique Sunderland bread- very soft and best eaten with ham and pease pudding- not shown but in the fridge.)

Tim took the opportunity to go fishing when he was up there- and dressed the part for taking on the high seas.

KP learned to crawl backwards while she was away, and also started talking. She can now say 'bah, bah,' I am trying to teach her the words 'black' and 'sheep' at the moment.
Elaine hopes that Big William has noticed the outfit that she is wearing- as he chose it.

So now they are back at home, Tim wanted to try out his new trainers and go running with his daddy.

We had to stop for a rest whenever we saw a bench- Tim tells me that Grandad Stan does this and so we have to as well.

We also tried out Tim's new tent- which Grandma had sneaked into the car. It quickly became a mobile gas chamber as today is what Tim calls his 'Poo day.' Even the vented roof was not enough to stop me from nearly passing out- a trick which Uncle William has taught him I think!

Friday, 24 August 2007

A Different Fruit

So here is the latest indispensable business tool that I have been given- It arrived today, but there seems to be a setup fault in that it has got all of the emails that I had received up until yesterday- but knows nothing of today's exciting occurrences. Some people would be delighted with the leather belt holder that came with it (not me though.)

Since my last post, I have put a few miles on the car, and it still goes OK.
In terms of repast, I have finished the brown boxed Dorset, and seen off the disappointing Superfoods flakes. I have been eating very unhealthy teas- fish and chips twice in a week and pizza three times- in the same week. Tonight I had an Indian.

I need to go to the post office to collect a parcel in the morning- which I think will be from the USA- Thanks.
The decorating is all finished, and I have fitted a blackout blind- just need a baby to put in there now and it will be complete.
Elaine, Tim and Katie are all coming home tomorrow- I am looking forward to seeing them all.

Monday, 20 August 2007

No Time For Breakfast

I have had no time for breakfast over the weekend- I got called in to work on Friday evening, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning.

Just thought that I would put a picture of this huge watch (or is it a small radio) in here since I have mentioned time!

Anyway the good news is that I have my own car back. I am not sure if they have told me exactly what they did to it, but it has got a new negative battery connector, and a new computer box in the same area- it looks like the kind of kit that is best covered under a warranty.

This is actually the 'Manchester Mark 1' which probably had less computing power than a cheap calculator does these days.

So here is my car.... (after a couple of weeks with a Chav.)

Tonight I am going to do the first coat of emulsion in Katie's new room- Blossom White.

Now that's a great way to spend an evening!

Friday, 17 August 2007

The WAGS don't know what they are missing

Apparently Roy Keane, Manager of Sunderland Football Club, has this week berated top football stars for not coming to Sunderland because their WAGS don't like the shopping.

Are they mad? Apparently you can get the brown Dorset cereal in the Sainsbury's here for only £1.80 a box. I will fill the car with as many boxes as I can get in.

T has bought his first pair of trainers so he can get on with his footy practice.

We visited his friend Archie's house today, but they were more interested in using the pump to blow up the football than in kicking it (the ball, not the pump)


Thursday, 16 August 2007

Nissan Micra

No camera still, but I am having Dorset cereal from the brown box- delicious.

Here is a picture of a Micra- just like mine!

Here is a mechanic from the local Renault garage.

Apparently the corrosion on my battery terminal is wear and tear!

Completed the undercoat on the woodwork in what is to become Katie's room last night. Gloss to be done tonight- That's a rock and roll Friday.

I am going for white paint though

A day trip to Geordie-land

We ventured out to Gateshead today (brave if you are from Sunderland) and went to Saltwell Park. T played football and his foot actually met the ball this time, so he is making progress (with the right foot at least - which confused Grandad given that T ate his breakfast with his left hand this morning).
T got Grandma hopelessly lost in the maze - he had a 'map' (just a random leaflet) and kept instructing her to 'turn left in 20 minutes'.
KP took a picnic lunch of strawberry yoghurt and came out in a rash.

I take no responsibility for the captions on these photos. They are the work of an ageing Proton driver.

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Now For The Science Bit.

I came across an interesting article about cereals this morning- there is a link to it below. I have tried most of the ones that is reviews, and can tell you that without realising it, it also backs up the fact that the worse something tastes, the better it is for you.

I also found some other Internet goodies:

Mr. T is a peculiar person to advertise cereal, since he stated on many occasions (usually just before he was required to fly anywhere) "I ain't drinkin' no milk." Presumably he would not like cereals with milk on either?

This is a first for this blog at least, a cut out, fold up a bit and fly..... boomerang. It is supposed to be made from a cereal box. Please try it and let me know how you get on.

I am taking my car in today- it went in on Tuesday for an intermittent starting fault to be cured.... they did that.... it would not start at all yesterday. I hope that it will be repaired properly today.

Another despatch from Macam land

Today T has been to his Grandad's college to help Grandad do some photocopying. I don't think Grandad really wanted the A3 button pressing...
Then we all jumped on the Metro (our North-East underground for the uninitiated)

We went to visit Monkwearmouth Railway Station, which has just re-opened as a model Victorian station after a million pound refurbishment. There was lots to do for little people, many trains to drive and the most enormous lollipops to eat.

We are now off to do Gran-Gran's washing....

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Picture Problems

I have a problem with posting pictures at the moment- and with getting up in time to post before I go to work. The picture problem exists because Elaine has got our camera up in Sunderland with her. The getting up thing is related to laziness.

Here are some historic pictures instead of ones of my Superfoods cereal- which I am reaching the end of thankfully. I have got a cereal which I have not posted about before to come next!! Now there's a hook line...

Elaine, Ben and Tim.

Tim at a bit less than 1 year old

And again!

Katie at a few days old.

Your Sunderland Correspondent writes...

T,KP and I have had a lovely day here in Sunderland. We have been to Fulwell Mill

(a working flour mill) and the guide allowed Tim to mill some flour and sift it. Tim even managed to climb up all three of the near vertical ladders to get from floor to floor, (The guide had told him the Teletubbies live in the Mill, so he was very excited)

Afterwards we went to Souter Lighthouse, where Tim dressed up as a Pirate, complete with eye-patch, and sailed the wooden boat they have in the children's room.

Poor grandma has had to do about 3 loads of washing.

We are off to visit T and KP's great-grandmother tomorrow to do more washing.

Sunday, 12 August 2007

Family Breakfast

I did not get the chance to report on the weekend's most important meals of the day until now.
We all ate together- Katie had peach, Tim had Shreddies and Honey, Elaine had Dorset cereal from the red box, and I had Jordans Superfoods. You will notice that Tim is wearing his pizza chef's hat.
Then we went to the park to teach Tim the basics of football (as it was the first day of the season on Saturday.) So far he is good enough to get a game for Sunderland, but we are going to practice and raise his expectations.

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Still Dreaming

Today I am having Jordans Superfood flakes again, and so have included a more interesting picture.

It shows most of the range of Dorset cereal available. I have tried all of the top ones, but the fruity porridges a the bottom sound like a winter breakfast- keep watching and I will sample them then the season is more appropriate.

It's 06:15- this must be a routine!

Now that is a large and flashy coffee machine- now available Nespresso ready!

Wednesday, 8 August 2007


Today I have actually eaten the same breakfast as yesterday, so instead of a picture of that, I have found some dream breakfast pictures:

I wish that I was eating some things from this basket,

And using this group of components, assmebled into the following:
To make myself a coffee.
06:15 by the way- need to set off now as I predict another busy day at work.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Socking it to You

Today I have started on my new Jordan's Superfoods breakfast flakes- a bit like posh fruit and fibre, where the dry raisins and bits of white plastic have been replaced with blueberries and cranberries. They are- like bran flakes, 'Very very tasty.'

The picture also shows my new socks and the 'Cafe' in our utility room.

06:15 by the way- looking like another nice day outside.

It is a wife's duty..... spend her husband's money faster then he earns it

Breaking news..cereal crisis averted

Concerned by the lack of new and interesting cereals being displayed on this blog, I (Elaine) have been to Tesco's and stocked up on a new and exciting variety. Tune in tomorrow to find out what it is (if you care).

I am now off to Bicester Village to meet Paula, so we can spend our husbands' money . This maternity leave is such hard work.

I would have posted a picture of Tim in the magic woods yesterday. but my training was so rubbish I have forgotton how to do it! But I can tell you we had a great time, and I don't think I will ever get the mud off Tim's shoes.

A New Chapter

Perhaps if this posting mechanism works, then I can also post about mid-
morning snacks?

Monday, 6 August 2007

The Most Important Meal of The Day

It seems that there are 2 more blogs out there- I don't have time to put links to them at the moment, but one is Poetry spin- off from Big William's World, and the other is Gill's Elevenses- Mom's details of her mid morning 'nice cup of tea and a scone.'

Back to the serious stuff. 06:15 and today I collected my breakfast from the local airport- where there seemed to be some trouble going off. I also saw one of the Ferrari Formula One cars there.
In a break from the normal routine, I have gone for Shreddies (as you will see- a very big bowl,) which are pretty good for you and taste much better than I remember them doing.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

A New Variety.

Today- after using up the last bit of green boxed Dorset cereal and the Ultra Bran, I have had to try a new sort of Dorset- in a purple box, containing figs and grapes. I have also photographed them on the kitchen windowsill to add some variety for my cereal fans.

Yesterday was a really hot day, so the slide was back out in the garden.

He had a great time- Elaine joined him on the slide and was screaming more loudly than Tim when she realised how cold the water from the cold tap really is.

06:25 now- time to make tracks.