Elaine has just left for book group, and so I have broken out a can of my beer of the moment- Peeterman Artois. It's a Crystal Weissbier for those who care, and is delicious.
Today I went to work at Didcot.
Seen here from above- on a cloudy day. It's an amazing shot- my office is not visible!There was a shop in Milton Keynes selling the above cereal- and other American stuff, like marshmallow paste in a jar. The cereal was £6.95 (that's about $13.00) for ONE box! It must be pretty good at that price!
This is the second picture in the series of old photos that Elaine has started posting- Look how fast I appear to be going!
Oh today I finished off the Dorset in a purple box- the one like wine gums and porridge, and tomorrow have to start to get rid of a packet of Jordan's Natural, which I used to love, but which now disappoints with every mouthful.
Where are the TV cameras?
The skiing Q should be here, not on Sunday, are you going uphill?
Incidentally, I had Dorset cereal for breakfast, followed by toast & gooseberry jam (see blog)
I had bacon, french toast, fried eggs, carrot juice, orange juice, coffee, chocolate croisant and a bread roll.
Can you tell I was staying in a hotel?
I had half cold porridge, at least it was made with milk....
The skiing picture isn't fooling me.
fantastic picture of the chimneys - I always thought they connected to the clouds not poke through them!
Missing you already!
What hes happened to the cereal serial ? Are you on a diet ?
Yoy can't do without breakfast - the most important meal of the day!
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