Today I went to see the hygienist for the first time in about 5 years. I had not been avoiding it- I was told by the dentist that there was no need to go. On my last visit, he said that it may be worth going to see the hygienist- and so I did.
I assumed that there would be a bit of scraping around with the mega metal toothpick thing, and then a lecture on flossing and a massive bill....... I was unpleasantly surprised!
This is an ultrasonic descaler- a device intended to really hurt your upper and lower lateral and central incisors (see picture 1) and to make your whole mouth bleed like mad.Once I had stemmed the bleeding, the hygienist set to with a polish derived from the above- which was also pretty painful on the incisors.
There was then a lecture about gum disease- I have prepared the above slide as an memory jogger for all of my readers- basically, clean them or they bleed loads, hurt a lot, your teeth fall out and then it costs you a bomb to get some new ones made.
As luck would have it, I have an alternative to the troublesome and outdated enamel items that we are fitted with as standard. The above 'tooth grills' not only look stylish, but also enable you to set off metal detectors at airports, and to look like a bond villain.
As luck would have it, I have an alternative to the troublesome and outdated enamel items that we are fitted with as standard. The above 'tooth grills' not only look stylish, but also enable you to set off metal detectors at airports, and to look like a bond villain.
In other news, Tim has started swimming lessons in a pool where he cannot reach the bottom- he loved the first lesson and hardly seemed to notice that he was floating for the whole time rather than his more usual wading technique.
Katie has started to re-settle herself when she wakes during the night- meaning a lot more sleep for the rest of us.
Elaine has baked blueberry muffins- which are very nice, (despite her forgetting to put the milk in them.) She and Katie went to feed the ducks today but were chased away by a swan (Elaine was bitten by a swan as a child and now does not trust them.)
I just managed to run 6 miles in a respectable time for the first time in about 2 months.
See my blog, you wuz!
I used to think the flossing was just to scrape stuff off the sides of the teeth but last time I went to the dentist it was explained that it benefits the gums. So now I pull the floss carefully into contact with the gums.
I see the hygenist every six months and the dentist has a poke around too. Today I got my best report ever!
I go every 6 months and have a lot of sonic scraping, this time was worse than usual and lot of discomfort and bleeding was involved as well. I am flossing from now on although not last inght or tonight as there is no floss in my washbag. Doh!
Strangely the hygenist at our dentist was known as Lady Dracula, everyone leaving the surgery with blood running from their gums, fortunately not for six miles. ajen
Is this the aj who regularly passes out at the sight of a dentist's chair and/or the sound of a drill?
Dracula has the fangs dripping blood, the victim merely has puncture holes in the neck.
ie, the patient should be called Dracula.
Is there a poem in this?
Ah, but aj doesn't have a reflection in mirrors.
On a different topic - was E's recent reference to 'Life of Pi' indicative of a family favourite
Stan's- Life on Pies'?
Only because her mirrors need a touch of windowlene!
I don't floss!
There, now you all know!
I can't stand the feel of it.
My remaining intact tooth has not suffered!
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