Saturday, 17 November 2007

Still here!!!

We are still here- KP and I decided to get up at about 06:30 and come downstairs. She is dropping bits of the wooden clock jigsaw that Dad and Maureen bought for Tim on the floor while I am creating this masterpiece,

I was away on a Project management course the last week- we didn't actually do many ghant charts- but it was still heavy going.

This week I had a development centre for work on Monday night and all of Tuesday, and then took the Mechanical Engineering team clay pigeon shooting on Friday- I did not win. (Equal second if you are interested.)

My new Christmas gift coffee grinder has arrived and been commissioned (thanks to Dad and Maureen) and now the utility room looks like this:

I always like to make an effort to dress the part while making coffee!
It is working very well and does not wake up the whole of Oxfordshire which the old one did.


Anonymous said...

Reading the pictures -you tested positive for purple (hearts), got arrested, put in front of a firing squad and heaven is a coffee bar with semi-clad baristas.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know hat Elaine had a tattoo.
Do you always dress for dinner when you are alone?
Does T dress as a bee when you dress as bunnies?
Does KP have a costume yet, or is this an idea for Christmas?
What is a "barista"?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 2nd = place.
Is this down to the air rifle practice as an infant?

William said...

Shouldn't that be a bra-ista
I am so funny it causes indigestion! (In others.)

William said...

Are you still alive? If you need any help with gant charts then let me know. Apparently I am a project manager (Certified in some way as well!)