On the bright side, I have been off work all week and have been to the following things which I often heard about, but could never go to:
- Toddler gym
- Pre- school (I was a daddy helper)
- Primate music class
During the week we have also played football, been to a museum (not to be repeated for a few years as Tim was not particularly interested,) been to the 'Living Rainforest,' been to the garden centre and spent a long time playing with CD's- a current favourite pastime of Tim's. We have also made a replica coffee maker from the Brabantia bin box, and a sword (Tim had to go dressed as a Prince to his music class)
At the rainforest, we saw some interesting plants- this is an Arabica coffee plant- useful in the production of espresso!
This is an Avocado plant- the fruit of which are eaten in large quantities by recent retireesWe also saw a bird eating spider.
And an imperial scorpion.
These are actually edible- as are all scorpions, you just need to cut off the sting- and the venom sack (that ball at the end of the tail) and then munch away- a good source of protein. I would rather have a steak I think.
That is not a "bird eating spider", it is most obviously a "spider eating a hand".
You can sure tell that you are now a parent - how to spend a week off.
I hope that you managed some quality time with the wife, as well.
How did you sate as a "Daddy helper"?
And, by the way, I ate a great many avocados before taking very early retirement as I often had one for lunch, eaten with a spoon.
They sold them in the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia for about
30p a kg.
I shall grow some in the garden. Please save your stones.
Any tips on cultivation?
A "primate music class"? conjures up visions of Baloo singing "I want to be like you,who? who? ".
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